The American Legion offers a number of scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education. Each year, The American Legion facilitates the awarding of thousands of dollars in scholarships to high school students. There are opportunities for everyone, including kin of wartime veterans and participants in several American Legion programs.
Alden Mitchell Scholarship
Alden was a long time Legionnaire of Roderick-Crosby Post 28. Alden was a WWII Army Veteran, a long-time teacher in the Farmington school system, and later retired from Mt. Blue High School.
This scholarship is to be awarded to a graduating Mt. Blue High School Senior that is planning to further their education. The recipient of this scholarship must have a parent or grandparent that is a member of a American Legion Post or have a parent or grandparent that has served in the armed forces (applicant may qualify under a deceased parent or grandparent if they were an active member of the Legion at the time of their death).
This scholarship, in the amount of $300.00, will be awarded to the recipient after they have successfully completed their first semester in a school of higher learning (this does not have to be a 4 year college). In the event that the scholarship can not be used in the academic year immediately following the recipient's graduation from high school, they will need to reapply for the scholarship.
To apply for the Alden Mitchell Scholarship, email Adjutant Drew Goodridge to request a scholarship application at All applications must be received by Post 28 no later than April 15th.