
Roderick-Crosby Post 28 Farmington, ME


Roderick-Crosby Post 28 is located at 158 High Street, Farmington, Maine at the corner of High and Middle Streets. Parking is limited at the Legion Hall. The best parking options are on High Street above the credit union and on Middle Street just before the Mallett School. 

The Legion Hall has three entrances. The front door entrance leads into the grand room and the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 28 meeting room. Located on the Middle Street side of the Legion Hall is the wheelchair access ramp and entry which leads into the grand room. The basement level entrance adjacent to the driveway leads into the general meeting room and canteen.

The Legion Hall is typically open on Fridays from 5 - 7:30 pm, during meeting days on the first Tuesday of the month from 7 - 8:30 pm, and during special events which are found on this website and our Facebook business page.